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Vidcon and MooshWalks Party

Vidcon June 23-25th, 2016
It's that time of the year again when Youtube Stars all gather together in one place to meet their fans, perform and educate other on the future about video community. MooshWalks have been guests of Vidcon for 3 years now and we are looking forward to join in the party once again. MOOSHWALKS SOCKS booth will be located at the EXPO HALL #1208 right in between MAKER, COVER GIRL and WARNER.

After you adopt your pair of Moosh Walks, don't forget to catch me - Olga Kay, for a picture like this :D
This year we'll have a large variety of MooshWalks for you. All of our designs with ears and wing, also unisex and newborn socks.
If you want to meet me at Vidcon this year, here is my partial schedule for the event. I will be visiting the booth a few times a day as well. I will have surprises with me to give away so if I meet you, you might get lucky and bring something home with you.
To learn more about Vidcon or get tickets, CLICK HERE.
See you there and dont forget to bring Your MooshWalks with you!