To become successful at anything, you've got to practice discipline. You must do something over and over and over again to do it extremely well. And being creative is no exception. What’s hard is to develop the habits that enable us to come up with great ideas. It's not magic its commitment and the ability to pay attention to how you feel when you don't like something.
1. Consider what you consume.
Idea generation is fueled by consumption, not creativity.
As Steve Jobs said, “Creativity is just connecting things.”
The more “things” we have to connect, the better our ideas will become. This means the quality and quantity of things we consume is a crucial factor in our ability to come up with a good idea.
The books, TV shows, articles, and movies we consume, the people we interact with, and the experiences we have all influence the ideas we generate.
2. Pay attention to your complaints.
Often times when we complain about something we forget to realize that there is a fresh new idea behind this complaint. For example: I love my Toyota but I wish i was able to rent a Mercedes for only one hour that is parked on my street, THAT IS AN IDEA! Turning neighborhood cars into self service car sharing app. If no one created the same idea yet that means you should.
3. Get out of the routine.
Go outside, send yourself to explore new and uncomfortable things. When you open your mind to new things, your brain tends to fire off connections that turn into ideas. Write down your ideas, don't be ashamed of them. Every idea started with a crazy spark of an idea that developed into a huge vision.
LILY is our BIG IDEAS girl, she is always brewing up something new and fun. She doesn't always succeed but that is an important part of the journey. Her brain is always on overdrive which is why she takes quick naps to recharge and often looks grumpy.