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How To Follow Your Dreams - Moosh Walks Journey (VIDEO)

When we were children - we didn't have any limitations. We were born and the only agenda we had is to survive, we demanded food and sleep. Once we became stronger we've discovered that we could hold ourselves up and we wanted to crawl. We crawled to any destination that looked appealing, we got good at crawling so we started challenging ourselves by grabbing on to the closest table so we can lift ourselves up and stand on our own feet. Then we've made our first step and failed but that didn't prevent us from trying again and again until we got so good that we could run.

Photo by Lara Mark Photography (Colorado)
As kids we did everything we could to accomplish the goal that we had. At some point of everyone's life we've started to doubt our ability to succeed and be the best at something, anything. We developed insecurities and we can't even track back enough to figure out how it all began. The combination of personal doubt and others scaring us to follow our dreams... we shut down.
I think its safe to assume we all feel this way at one point or another and it takes straights to keep pushing though insecurities as we discover new abilities and hidden magic within all of us.
Moosh Walks Journey Series was an outlet for me to share a personal journey about Moosh Walks Brand, how it all started and what I had to do to overcome any obstacles. In the first episode I introduce you to my background and the drive behind my passion for this sock company. You can also learn the meaning of Moosh and how it originated.
My Entrepreneurial Journey began in a tiny village in Crimea, Russia. At the age of 14 I was fortunate enough to run away with my family and join a Russian Circus. I became a juggler which eventually lead me to immigrate to the USA with my extended family. I got to travel across America with Ringling Brothers Circus for a few years and eventually ended up in Los Angeles. I tried to get a job as a waitress while I was figuring out what I'll do after my circus career, needless to say no one gave me a job so I started auditioning for every TV commercial in town that needed jugglers and ended up booking few National spots for Burger King, Smirnoff, Dirt Devil, Microsoft and others.Â
In 2006 I've discovered Youtube, which I think is the major reason that propelled me into the world of business.. When I first started creating content on Youtube, I didn't know where it would go or what opportunities it might bring. By 2009 Youtube has become my full time job. This job didn't only require me to be an on camera personality but also a writer, director, actor, marketer and taught me how to build a personal brand while connecting to my audience. Working with major Brands like Google, Focus Features, Nintendo, Xbox and Virgin Mobile as an influencer taught me best practices on how Brands and consumers connect.Â
I've always had passion for socks and wanted to create something special and unique for my viewers. Something that would make them stand out and express their individuality.Â

Photo by Lara Mark Photography (Colorado)
New episodes will be posted as the Journey continues. Thank you for your support and don't let anyone stop you as you pursue your dreams.Â
-Olga Kay (If you see grammar errors, just know that english is my second language)