Why I started MooshWalks socks
Posted by Olga Kay on August 20, 2015
Hello Mooshers,
My name is Olga Kay aka "MooshWalks" mommy or in more professional terms "MooshWalks" Founder and Creative Director. Why did I start MooshWalks company?
Before MooshWalks socks
I started this company back in 2013 and it was born out of pure passion and creativity. As a youtube personality I have gathers over 500K+ followers around my OlgaKay youtube channel at that time. My demographic was 13-25 years old 70% females 30% males.
It a very typical thing for a youtube celebrity to start merchandising once you reach a certain level of success. The very usual products more people create are t-shirt, they are easy and cheap to make and often with the help of companies like Spreadshirt, District Lines and Maker Shop it costs you zero dollars to get it all going.Â
I did that for a while. I didn't have much success at it. Mainly because I am not passionate about t-shirts.Â
What Happened next?
In 2011 I partnered up with Tweak Footwear to create my own shoes. It was terrifying. If people weren't really paying $15-20 bucks for a t-shirt why would they pay $60 bucks for a pair of shoes?

Mooshoos were very unique. On one side you'd have a pocket with a zipper built in where you could store a key or some cash and on the other side had a see through pocket for a picture/art work you wanted to insert to make it more personalized.
The shoes were immediately a huge hit among my audience. After some research and surveys it was pretty clear that the reason for it was the uniqueness of the product.Â
Why socks?
I didn't have many cool things until I was practically an adult. I've always had passion for knee high socks. I would wear them to the gym or with a dress. I like the way they feel and I love the way they look. I really didn't want to be another Youtube Personality with the same type of t-shirt but a different logo as a representation of my brand through merchandise.
I spent many months thinking about my true passions and of course it was to create my own sock line. During that time I went through a burnout on youtube and after reading a book by Jack Canfield - 4 times, I knew I had follow my passion. I knew nothing about merchandising or who to talk to about my new idea. I'll go more in depths on how I made it all happen in other posts. There are many sock companies and all of them are very colorful and cute now days.
My main vision was to create something very different. Something that had NO COMPETITIONÂ and that took a lot of brain power. My first goal was to make them feel alive, that's why each character has a name and a face and a personality. There are so many socks with faces on them so I knew I had to add another element. Make them 3D. Thats how socks with ears were born.
Was it worth it?
YES 100%. I've invested a lot of my own money and I was once again terrified about this giant risk I've taken. Luckily when you take a giant risk, you also receive a great reward. Once I've launched my website, I had around 1000 customers in my first weekend. The reviews were outstanding. Everyone was very happy with the product and the relationship between the customer and the product.
There is a lot of growing left to do but we are on the right track and I say we, because without you guys I would not be able to commit to this brand 100% Your feedback is so valuable.
I will be writing many more blog posts about how I did it, what obsticles I had to over come, my packaging process and many other topics.
Let me know if there is something you want to hear more about and I will share my experience with you.

The vision for the brand and big and clear and I can't wait to share it with you in other posts. Meanwhile if you are a proud of owner of #MooshWalks sock feel free to post them on social media using out hashtag. If you know someone who loves socks as much as we do, send them over here.
Keep on Mooshing
-Olga Kay